Skincare Philosophy: Secrets To Keeping Your Skin Healthy

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Covering your skeletal system, muscles and vital organs, it protects the body from any posing environmental harm. It is also one that is easily exposed to the detrimental effects of the sun’s harmful UV rays and other polluting factors.

Made up of 3 main layers, the skin regulates your body’s temperature, stores Vitamin D, water, and fat. The epidermis, is the topmost layer that protects the body from any harmful factors to which the skin is exposed to. The dermis being the middle layer contains a network of blood vessels, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, as well as collagen and elastin. While the hypodermis contains the sweat glands and fat to conserve body heat, its fatty layer protects the vital organs within the body. Healthy-looking skin is easily visible to the naked eye, and so does skin that is dull and blemished.

Causes of Dull, Blemished Skin

There are various factors for dull and blemished skin. The most common in skincare philosophy would be a deficiency in the intake of nutrients. Lack of vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and minerals reflect itself through dehydrated skin. Too much exposure too the sun’s rays can cause your skin to be dry as well. Cigarette smoking is a big factor in developing dry skin. It shrinks the blood supply in your body which can lead to accumulation of wrinkles instead of a smooth layer of skin. Skincare philosophy emphasizes that when you’re constantly stressed, your body cells are not able to function properly and this can lead to a poor diet and inability to sleep which in turn can directly affect the health state of your skin. You can easily achieve a healthy skin by doing any of the suggested steps below.

Steps to Achieving a Healthy Skin Glow

  1. Skincare philosophy would advise you to drink a few more glasses of water than the recommended eight glasses per day. Water re-hydrates skin and keeps it healthy and glowing.
  2. Remember to wash your face or take a quick bath after coming home from work. Exposed skin gathers dirt and grime and can easily infect open pores while sleeping at night. Washing it before going to sleep ensures a well-rested healthy skin in the morning.
  3. Apply a moisturizer at night to help hydrate your skin. But do this after your skin is free of dirt. Skincare philosophy suggests that you do this on a daily basis.
  4. Sunscreen greatly helps in protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. you should always remember to put on sunscreen whenever you are out under the sun.
  5. Decrease your intake of caffeinated drinks such as coffee and soda as these block oxygen to the skin. Do away with processed foods as well. Caffeinated drinks and processed foods go against skincare philosophy’s natural diet.

Take a Dietary Supplement

Aside from the recommended steps, skincare philosophy also seeks to use dietary supplements as means of achieving an even more youthful skin. Dietary supplements make up for whatever nutrients you lack in your daily food consumption. Make sure to have researched thoroughly on the type of dietary supplement you want to use on your skin. A lot of  supplements nowadays, are synthetically grown and made out of petrochemical ingredients. Skincare philosophy recommends only to use products that are naturally grown for your own safety.

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